+977-01-4577082/4595165, 4579434/5 +977-01-4577082/4595165, 4579434/5


GoldenGate +2 Science Program

Program Directors

Morning Shift
Dr. Bhagwan Subedi

Day Shift
Mr. Jib Nath Neupane
Er. Pramesh  Bikram Nembang

This program aims to deepen the theoretical and applied knowledge of students in various branches of science. The syllabus is periodically revised and is well crafted to cater to the needs of students planning to pursue their higher studies in the field of medicine, engineering and other technical fields and those planning to pursue higher degrees abroad.

  • Program Duration2 years
  • ENTRY REQUIREMENTSApplication is open to students passing SEE or equivalent with a minimum GPA of 2.80. Students should have background of Optional Mathematics.
  • COMMENCEMENT OF THE YEARShrawan every year


Class XI Class XII
Compulsory Nepali Compulsory Nepali
Compulsory English Compulsory English
Mathematics  Mathematics
Chemistry (Theory and Practical) Chemistry (Theory and Practical)
Biology (Theory and Practical)* Biology (Theory and Practical)*
Computer (Theory and Practical)* Computer (Theory and Practical)*
Physics (Theory and Practical)  Physics (Theory and Practical)